Frequently asked questions
What is temporary management?
An interim manager is hired for a certain period in order to accomplish specific tasks. This can be the management of a certain project or a line function i.e. bridging an unforeseen vacancy.
What is the difference between temporary management and consultancy?
In case of consultancy the result is the presentation of a concept and in general the advice for certain actions to be taken. The interim manager continues with the implementation. Consultancy is an integral part of a temporary assignment.
What is Try & Hire?
Wrong descisions in the recruitment process are costly and disappointing for both sides, strategies to reduce this risk like assessment centres cannot avoid that risk entirely. The consequences are
- high expenditures,
- throwbacks in reaching the aims of the company
- personal disappointment.
Try and hire is an innovative and elegant way of reducing these risks. At the same time costs can be reduced. How? Assuming a company is looking for a new CFO. Different ways of finding the right candidates will be taken. The HR department is searching itself or a Head Hunting Agent is hired. Both ways are expensive and time consuming. Often it takes up to half a year until the new CFO is available. But how to bridge this period? And what happens if it can be seen after a short period of time, that the candidate is not the right one?
How it works
1. Temporary tasks
The contracts are very flexible. In general the duration of an assignment is between 3 and 9 months. The period for giving notice is 2 days. If desired this period can be defined differently.
The advantages are:
- Instant availability
- Quality assurance through Buhler Management
- No commission
- No prepayment
- Costs are precisely predictable
- No juridical risks regarding labour legislation
- Perfectly fitting competencies
2. Try & Hire
At any stage a temporary assignment can be converted in a fixed assignment.
The advantages are:
- A long probation period, so consequently a safe decision – reduced risk and cost saving recruitment.
- no pre-payment for executive search
What are the advantages of an interim manager?
- Highest professionality
- Instant availability
- Perfectly fitting competencies
- No juridical risks regarding labour legislation
- Costs are precisely predictable
- External view
- No additional headcount
- Quality assurance through Buhler Management
How can an interim manager succeed?
Buhler Management provides highest management experience and skills. In accordance with the heads of the company the manager receives the disciplinary competences his task requires. It is imperative that interim managers possess social and emotional competence. Managerial experience, highest competence and social skills lead to natural authority.
Can I trust an interim manager?
Buhler Management is obliged to discretion at any time. Each manager has to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement before joining the Buhler Management Pool. In general an additional NDA is being signed upon a particular assignment.
Even for very sensitive areas like Finance, interim managers are being hired increasingly. The external view is appreciated, weaknesses are identified easier and actions taken faster.
Is interim management costly?
The costs for an interim manager are about 20 - 30% above the level of a fixed hired manager. The interim manager is only paid for the days he works. There are no additional social costs, no unforeseen expenditures, no payments for absences. Emphasis is on reaching the targets fast and in the quality required.
What are the characteristics of an Interim Manager?
It can be seen from their CVs. A typical Interim Manager is very flexible, had changed the places he or she worked at several times. Many of them went to live abroad. These personalities are looking for changes and are entrepreneurs by heart. They are used to adapt to new situations fastly.